Saturday, June 23, 2012

Only sorta electronics related

So I got this phone, right?  And my girlfriend has the same model phone, do you follow?  

We took these pictures right after one another with our respective cameras.

There's no filters involved in this trickery... just a good old fashioned broken lens.

That's right, ladies and gentlemen, I have a custom made one of a kind analog instragram filter.  For only 2 easy payments of $44.95, I would be willing to make this modification to any camera or lens you have.  Just think... no more waiting for your instagram to finish processing!  You can claim your photos have an obscure one of kind analog filter!  (I'm looking at you, hipsters...)*** 

Here's more examples of this amazing filter!

Make rainbows glow!

Give that "vintage" look to your "vintage" electronics!

Amazingly low resolution!

Raspberries?  More like gray berries!  Am I right?

Fool your friends into believing your house is haunted!  See that grey blur?!?  It's a ghost!
***Warning, results not typical, actual analog filter may vary, analog filter may not be removed. ***

Monday, June 11, 2012

Light Attack Drums in action

So, Battle Toys played a show last weekend and I got the video footage.  The sounds is a little funky, as we are so darn loud that it overloads the camcorder, which goes into some hi volume compression mode (I think).  Either way, here's the light attack drunk kit in action!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Getting closer

The time has come!  I removed the two 12'' speakers from a Crate GLX212 that I purchased about 10 years ago, and secured them to the baffle.

I used #8 Brass screws and Tee nuts to secure the back plate

Connect the speakers!

Screw the baffle on.

Amplifier put in it's case.


So... there's a problem already.  That cabinet is enormous.  I can barely get my arms around it.  I brought it upstairs from the basement and wasn't able to get my hands on the side handles.  I had to just squeeze either side to get a hold of it.  By the time I got it up two flights of stairs, my forearms were like jelly.  I could barely play a bar cord.  I have a looper pedal that has some stuff recorded already, so I just turned on a loop to see how the amp sounds.  There's something off about it...  I think I hooked up a speaker backwards.  There's some point where ones head is directly in front of the speakers where it's very quiet, but it's quite loud a foot to the right or left.  Hmmm...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Vinyl! Vinyl!

Vinyl finally arrived from backorder!  Wooo!

My phone was out of batteries so I didn't take any pics during the vinyling.  I found some tutorial videos online and got at least an idea of how this should be done.  I used 3M Super 77 spray adhesive, which was recommended on every tutorial I found.  I ended up running out of it and switched to Super 90 adhesive, which I happened to have.  The odd thing is, the super 90 seemed to dissolve some of the adhesive between the vinyl and the backing, and it caused some bubbling.  Lo and behold, a few hours later the bubbles were gone...  suspicious... closer inspection to follow...  

Also annoying, I completely screwed up the vinyl covering on the corners.  I thought the corners would extend farther, but I was wrong, and had to cut off some of the vinyl and add some tiny squares... oh well.  Without a close inspection, it shouldn't be noticeable... I hope.

Anyway, I got the vinyl and most of the hardware on the head and cabinet, but I ran out of time, so here's where I leave you!

Amplifier head case... looking pretty!

Notice the corners... extra square of vinyl


This is so close to being done... I can taste it.  I'm terrible excited.  The time for guitars is nigh!