Saturday, March 17, 2012


Finally received all the parts to start building the control box.

First step, find a project box that fits my arduino board and mount it in there.

Fancy that, it's already done!  That was quick, eh?   I had to cut a few holes in the side of the case for the USB and power connection.

I'm using 3.5mm audio cables to connect the lights, so I got some panel mount jacks to connect them.

And, of course, labeled them.

Adding the power rail...

Anyway... each of those connectors has a sense pin and a control pin, and they all feed back into the arduino board, which has the brains of the whole operation.

It's a little bit of a rat nest, but I've seen worse...

So I ended up with a control box that handle 6 LED boards... The black LED strip was salvaged from broken electronics.  I have enough to go entirely around the base drum.  I need to figure out how to attach all this stuff to the inside of the drum now...

I'm in need of new drum heads, so I bought a replacements but I've been waiting to put them on so I don't have to muck about taking them on and off again.  Hopefully I can figure out how to get these boards installed and then just rinse and repeat for the others.

Next update is going to be a bass drum lighting up... if all goes to plan :-)

Questions? Comments?  I'm at

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